While looking for a cute Father's Day treat, I ran across this blog. Is this just the cutest little hamburger treat ever! Bakerella www.bakerella.com/fast-food-fun/ has a complete tutorial on how to make these darling cupcakes. She also has the printable templates for the french fry boxes, tray and tissue paper (I would print it on vellum) I am going to try and make me these for Father's Day.... They are so cute I just can't resist!!! They would also be cute for a summer Birthday party or Barbecue!

We all like to eat warm, healthy, and hygienic French fries. Fries are like by all and no one on this earth can say no to fries. The packaging of French fries is an important matter because we all like handy packaging Custom Printed boxes that do not need any extra packaging. In this matter, PackagingNinjas is helping you by manufacturing Custom French Fry Boxes Wholesale. They are fabricating in eco-friendly material that is easy to fold and design.
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Bath Bomb Packaging
French Fry Boxes
The imaginative designs of Custom Boxes make them attractive for ladies. Various styles and box designs are available at PackagingNinjas.
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