Thursday, February 23, 2012

Back to Blogging....

Hello everyone out in blogland.... You have probably been wondering why I haven't been blogging? Well, I have an explanation.... We went to CHA to see all the NEW great product, it was so inspiring and I can't wait till all the new stuff comes in!!! (It is already arriving, almost daily) Anyway back to why I haven't blogged in a long while... When we were at the trade show I picked up a NEW hobby....  
 Painting with Bob Ross..... This has been a life long obsession since I was about 14... When the only  TV channels were 2,4, 5 ,7 and 11. Every time Bob Ross would come on I would watch in amazement as he would paint happy little trees...  So when I got home I went to Library and checked out every Bob Ross book and DVD I could find...... and now I am painting big strong mountains and happy little trees just like BOB....  My kids are now calling BOB ROSS "Mom's new boyfriend"  (I just can't decide what I like more.... his hair or his gold chain????

 What do you do when you have too many hobbies and not enough time???? I finished my second painting, now I think it is time to return everything to the Library and put my paints away... So I can Scrapbook!!!!
More scrapbook blogging coming soon!!!!

What Hobbies do you do????

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