My Mom and Dad have always done a big Easter egg hunt ever since I was a little girl, everyone in the family loved it. Then as we started turning into teenagers we weren't really that into egg hunting... Until one year when my parents surprised us and put coupons in the eggs.... My Mom had made up her own coupons like a gas fill up, dinner with Mom and Dad, shopping with Mom etc... Now that my parents have 15 Grandchildren, the Easter egg hunt is now for grand kids only the coupons have changed a little, now they are more like sleep over at grandmas, feed the ducks with grandma or go to the movies with grandpa. The kids look forward to the egg hunt every year!!! They are always so excited to get those special coupons and spend some fun time with their grandparents!
We have the same kind of egg hunt with my Mom's grandkids and we look forward to it every year. I love the coupon idea and think we should add it along with the little braclets, rings, stickers and of course candy.
Non-stop Scrapbooking from 7:00 Thursday till 4:00 Saturday or stay late on Sat. till 11:00.
4 classes taught by Karen Petersen. (Projects to be announced.)
A catered lunch both days
Class taught by a guest vendor
Drawings and Give-a-ways
% off Shopping discount to Mom and Me Scrapbooking for the week of the retreat.
Scrap ALL Night... The crop room will be open non-stop or until the last scrapbooker drops:)
A 6 foot table ALL to yourself so you have from to spread out!!!
Optional card exchange (make 16 alike cards)
Free Swap Table
Reserve your space today!!! By calling 801-466-9474
Retreat price is $199 per person attending. Hotel accommodations are separate, make your reservations at least 3 weeks before the retreat and get the retreat special for $99 a night.
Retreats will take place Downtown Salt Lake City (Hotel to be announced)
Store Hours
Monday - Saturday
10:00 - 5:00
Mom and Me Scrapbooking
2199 East 3300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 801-466-9474
That is the cutest idea ever. And coupons don't melt all over the egg. How fun!
Also, I really love your birthday banner.
We have the same kind of egg hunt with my Mom's grandkids and we look forward to it every year. I love the coupon idea and think we should add it along with the little braclets, rings, stickers and of course candy.
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