Some are living there during rehabilitation other live there full time. Many have been forgotten by their families, some have no families, other can't remember the last time they received a gift. This is a wish list of the following items in need,
for each item brought in you may enter to win a drawing for a $100.00 gift certificate.
(all items must be new)
Please have gifts to Mom and Me Scrapbooking no later than December 20th. Thanks for your help. Everything donated is greatly appreciated.
(Blankets and Socks are always needed)
X Large White Sweater
Levis size 44
LG Pants
perfume Angle by Theory
*** Cash donations are great too!
When you get an item please call 801-466-9474 so we may cross it off the list.
This list will be updated often. Our goal is to get everything on the list.